We are fully committed to responsible growth that will enhance our Santa Rosa County. We believe growth should fund growth. New development has a responsibility to the environment and to our neighbors to alleviate issues like stormwater runoff and traffic. Jubilee will enhance our region by facilitating healthy lifestyles, make life more convenient, create amenities for residents and neighbors alike to enjoy, create jobs and drive the economy during these uncertain times. Our planned community will deliver all of this while retaining and conserving the unique environmental characteristics of the land.

Jubilee is positioned to be a major economic driver for the county and the region. The University of West Florida conducted a study and determined that Jubilee would create 2,688 jobs in the first year and would average over 4,300 jobs created per year, every year! And not just construction-related jobs – these figures include teachers, health care workers, doctors, lawyers, shop owners and restaurant owners and workers. Add to that $120M in tax revenue to the county and $3B in local small business impact, and it is clear that Jubilee will be an economic boom for our region.
Greenspace. Wetlands. Parks. Jubilee is committed to conserving the natural beauty of our land and to retaining as much greenspace and wetlands as possible. In fact, nearly half of the entire land mass, 47%, is devoted to natural areas. Fishing ponds, lakes and large pocket parks, in addition to greenspaces and protected wetlands, will provide wildlife with much needed habitat and corridors.
“Even at relatively low population densities, sprawl tends not to pay for itself financially and consumes land at an alarming rate, while producing insurmountable traffic problems and exacerbating social inequity and isolation.
If these influences are reversed – and they can be – an environment designed around the true needs of individuals, conducive to the formation of community and preservation of the landscape, becomes possible.”